the water tower at her daddy's house..she even used the zoom on this one

Jillian, alexis had her fingers a little over the lens on this one and I just knew it would not come out well but it sort of gave it a smoky look.

One of Zach's sunflowers in nanaw's yard

And last but certainly not least, Abby posing for Alexis
Wow Alexis! you did a great job using Momma's camera! Makes Nanaw proud!
Thank YOU for visiting with me on the blog. I adore your "Great Wall of China Redneck Style"!!! Very imaginative. Hop on over, my sweet helena bunny, and visit with me more often. That 4 generation pix was adorable also. Tell your mom and grandmom I appreciated seeing them after such a hot day paintinggggg!! Wowser! I also have a "thing" with numbers. OCD kicking in, sweetpea!! LOL But mine involves adding up the numbers on license plates! Can you imagine such a silly thing?!?!?!
These are Wonderful!! She did a Great job!!hughugs
Very impressive! She did a great job!
Don't know how I missed this. Wow, that little angel did a great job!! I may need her for lessons. :)
Has she done anymore? I love lookin' at the pix!!
Have a great weekend, Ms. Jerri!!
These are so great, but a great camera helps too! What do you use?
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